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Tag: Power BI Desktop

The new Paginated Report visual is here!

The new Paginated Report visual is here!

Last Friday Microsoft put out the Power BI June 2021 Feature Summary which included the much awaited Paginated Report visual. I’ve been waiting for this rather impatiently for the past few months and am thrilled that it is finally here. Read Chris Finlan‘s full post about the Paginated Report visual here: Paginated report visual for Power BI reports is now available in public preview. In my working world we utilize Paginated Reports quite heavily and the release of this visual…

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Get the Power BI Desktop External tools tab to show up

Get the Power BI Desktop External tools tab to show up

The July 2020 release of Power BI Desktop brings some awesome new functionality with it: integration of external tools in the ribbon! There have been external tools written by community member and tools vendors for quite a while now, but they have never integrated with the product and shown up inside of the Power BI Desktop experience until now. This is exciting stuff because many of these tools are highly useful today and will continue to grow in importance as…

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