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Tag: Speaking

Home Automation life hacks – Part 4

Home Automation life hacks – Part 4

Alright folks, this is what drove me to write this entire series in the first place. I finally get to geek out about home automation! In part 3 of this series I talked about ergonomics & overall wellness which is worth a read if you jumped straight to this because it is geeky and about gear too. When we moved into our house 5 years ago I decided that I wanted to start making the shift to leverage home automation…

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Thinking about ergonomics & overall wellness – Part 3

Thinking about ergonomics & overall wellness – Part 3

In part 2 of this series I talked about making work & life balance which I think is a good lead in to this topic of ergonomics & wellness. This has been a concern of mine for many years because I started having pains that were eventually linked to repetitive stress. Since I am not going to stop spending 12 to 20 hours a day in front of a screen I needed to figure out some ways to manage my…

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Making Work & Life balance – Part 2

Making Work & Life balance – Part 2

In part 1 of this series I talked about the upcoming Microsoft Ignite conference and the Table Talk that I will be participating in. I gave my “bona fides” around the evolution of my remote working background. In this part I will to focus on the factors that have helped me find success over the years and achieve an acceptable balance of life & work in the same space. When I started my new job with EY and knew that…

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Working from home – How are other people doing it? – Part 1

Working from home – How are other people doing it? – Part 1

Microsoft Ignite is just around the corner and I am excited to be a part of the event once again. I have been honored to be a speaker for the past 5 years after being on staff for the first one. This year is obviously going to look very different from those previous 6 events, but this virtual event will still be rife with valuable information and great connection opportunities. This year the “shiny new stuff” technical sessions that I…

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What you should know about SharePoint Conference North America

What you should know about SharePoint Conference North America

SharePoint Conference North America (SPCNA) is poised to be the place to be to learn what’s new, next & top of mind from Microsoft. This event will contain the most sessions delivered by Microsoft about Office 365, SharePoint & OneDrive during 2018 and split across 3 main tracks of Developer, ITPro, & Business User. There are 2 sides to this event that are worthy of note: 1.) Microsoft delivered content 2.) Community delivered content The Microsoft content is being delivered by…

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Speaking at RISPUG on 4/3/2013

Speaking at RISPUG on 4/3/2013

If you are in the Southern Massachusetts/Rhode Island/Eastern Connecticut area Wednesday night (or even if you aren’t, it might still be worth the road trip… I’m doing it!) and are interested in learning about what’s new in SharePoint 2013 for ITPros, then come out to the Rhode Island SharePoint Users Group at Providence College.  In it’s seventh month RISPUG is alive and thriving, so come out and join us for a good old fashion geeky evening of SharePoint talk! I…

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SharePoint Road Show Presentations

SharePoint Road Show Presentations

For the last few weeks I have been lucky enough to speak at some amazing events, specifically SharePoint Saturday Philly, SharePoint Saturday Austin, SPTechCon & SharePoint Fest Denver.  Doing shows like this always remind me just how amazing the SharePoint Community is.  I get a chance to interact with people from all walks of life, all different experiences with technology, and all different levels of knowledge within the sphere.  Thank to everyone who attended my sessions at these events.  As…

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Presenting “SharePoint Logging & Debugging: The Troubleshooter’s Best Friend” tonight at NYCSPUG on 3/7/2012

Presenting “SharePoint Logging & Debugging: The Troubleshooter’s Best Friend” tonight at NYCSPUG on 3/7/2012

If you are in the greater NYC area and are looking for a way to put an exclamation point on a great day of geeking out during the Virtual SQL Server 2012 launch, find your way over to the Microsoft offices at the Avenue of the Americas and come hear all about SharePoint Logging & Debugging.  Here is the primer: Troubleshooting and debugging issues in Enterprise SharePoint farms is a daunting task at best. SharePoint 2010 provides the tools to…

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Holy time gap in posting!

Holy time gap in posting!

It has been almost 6 weeks since my last post and it is time to bring to light what has been going on in my world during that time.  While I am not someone who discusses my employer regularly on my blog, I joined Sentri 6 months ago and couldn’t be happier.  Especially in light of recent developments.  Some of you may have noticed the press release, twitter storms, webcasts, etc about Sentri’s acquisition of the KMA SharePoint Practice.  Over…

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Putting a bow on an amazing year of SharePoint

Putting a bow on an amazing year of SharePoint

Last week I had the honor of presenting “Heavy Metal PowerPivot Redux” to the San Antonio SharePoint Users Group.  My slide deck from that session can be found here: The SASUGers were a great group of folks to present to and the location was tremendous.  We were hosted by Jeff Deverter at the RackSpace facility in Eastern San Antonio.  They purchased the Windsor Park Mall and have converted it into their offices.  It was completely wild experience touring a…

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