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Author: jhimmel

6 more tips & tricks for Microsoft Ignite 2019

6 more tips & tricks for Microsoft Ignite 2019

I wrote an article back in 2016 about things to think about for Microsoft Ignite in Atlanta. I decided that it is time to refresh that with some things I have learned over the years and specifically some learnings from the past four Microsoft Ignites, many TechEds & SharePoint Conferences, etc. Wear comfortable shoes The Orange County Convention Center, affectionately known as the OCCC, is HUGE. You are going walk a ton. In previous years I have averaged around 18k…

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Ignite 2018 Scheduling tips

Ignite 2018 Scheduling tips

There are SO many sessions to try to reasonably sort through for Ignite this year & WAY too many topic areas that I care about. Happily, everything happening at Ignite, other than the social events, is being recorded and will be made free via TechCommunity. Microsoft is actually streaming all of the sessions live for people who are members of TechCommunity as well, so this post doesn’t just apply to those attending in person because the issue is how to…

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SPC18 Post-con update!

SPC18 Post-con update!

I’ve been talking about SharePoint Conference North America seemingly forever & it is now less than 2 weeks away, and barreling down on us like a freight train. Yesterday I was meeting with Bill Baer & Dr. Neil Hodgkinson about our Hybrid post-conference session in Vegas, which is going to be AWESOME in case you were wondering, and they informed me that we can finally announce the bigger details of our session. The goal of the workshop is for you to take…

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Using SharePoint Lists in Microsoft Teams

Using SharePoint Lists in Microsoft Teams

This past week Microsoft announced that SharePoint pages & news articles will be able to be added to Microsoft Teams channels via their own tab using the new SharePoint button in the “Add a Tab” functionality. While it is great to see more ways to integrate the user experiences of SharePoint & Teams because users are really starting to like Teams and having a single place to go is making life easier. Here is my problem: It doesn’t work for…

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What you should know about SharePoint Conference North America

What you should know about SharePoint Conference North America

SharePoint Conference North America (SPCNA) is poised to be the place to be to learn what’s new, next & top of mind from Microsoft. This event will contain the most sessions delivered by Microsoft about Office 365, SharePoint & OneDrive during 2018 and split across 3 main tracks of Developer, ITPro, & Business User. There are 2 sides to this event that are worthy of note: 1.) Microsoft delivered content 2.) Community delivered content The Microsoft content is being delivered by…

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Microsoft Ignite WiFi “issue” fix

Microsoft Ignite WiFi “issue” fix

Have you been to Microsoft Ignite or another of their large show’s before & now that you’ve gotten to the OCCC raring to go for Microsoft Ignite 2017 but you cannot get online using the code on the back of your badge? You clicked on the MSFTWIFI network and it didn’t prompt you for the passcode? Follow these steps to forget the network & re-add it in Windows 10. 1.) Click the WiFi icon in your system tray & click…

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Hurricane Harvey and the SharePoint Community

Hurricane Harvey and the SharePoint Community

We are home safe & sound from our trip to Houston. More than $1500 of donation money, dozens of items from Amazon, plus local drop offs were sent from our amazing friends… mostly from the SharePoint Community. We spent several days making runs to Costco, Home Depot, Walmart, Target, and more. You entrusted us with your donations and we needed to make sure that it went to good use. We asked people in Houston what was needed & bought everything…

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Rackspace and the Microsoft ProServe Partner Network

Rackspace and the Microsoft ProServe Partner Network

I have been a Racker for more than 2 years now and during this time I have found that Rackspace has always strived to maintain an amazing group of Microsoft Partners that do Professional Services (ProServe) work. We have phenomenal partners that we send work to today, however we want to broaden our knowledge base of who is out there doing great things in the Microsoft ProServe space. We no longer have teams that do ProServe work, save some migration…

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May 16th is the new May 4th in SharePoint land

May 16th is the new May 4th in SharePoint land

Seth Patton started the event today by saying that today we are here to celebrate customers who are using using Office 365 to accelerate their digital transformations. He highlighted the Microsoft mission of empowering every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. I was lucky enough to be invited, along with my fellow Racker & Microsoft MVP Randy Drisgill and several other community friends, to take part in the filming of this event. In addition to the…

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7 things to think about when attending Microsoft Ignite 2016

7 things to think about when attending Microsoft Ignite 2016

Hard to believe that yesterday was the first day of Fall. It was 93degrees for the high here in San Antonio and there is no appearance of a season other than HOT anywhere. Tomorrow I fly out to Atlanta for the Microsoft Ignite 2016 Conference and I couldn’t be more stoked. We are all primed to hear TONS of awesome new announcements from Microsoft this week and learn all about them from the folks responsible for bringing them to market….

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