What are the PowerShell cmdlets that correspond to STSADM commands?
Now that SharePoint 2010 is intertwined with PowerShell have you been looking for that cipher that tells you what PowerShell command you can run to do all of the STSADM commands that you know and love from SharePoint 2007 in SharePoint 2010? I was too! Here is the list that I have come up with (combined with our good friends at TechNet):
PowerShell cmdlets | STSADM Commands |
Enable-SPFeature | Activatefeature |
Enable-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Activateformtemplate |
New-SPAlternateUrl | Addalternatedomain |
Mount-SPContentDatabase | Addcontentdb |
New-SPContentDatabase | |
Install-SPDataConnectionFile | Adddataconnectionfile |
New-SPExcelFileLocation | Add-ecsfiletrustedlocation |
New-SPExcelDataProvider | Add-ecssafedataprovider |
New-SPExcelDataConnectionLibrary | Add-ecstrusteddataconnectionlibrary |
New-SPExcelUserDefinedFunction | Add-ecsuserdefinedfunction |
Add-SPInfoPathUserAgent | Addexemptuseragent |
New-SPManagedPath | Addpath |
None | Addpermissionpolicy |
Add-SPSolution | Addsolution |
Install-SPWebTemplate | Addtemplate |
New-SPUser | Adduser |
Install-SPWebPartPack | Addwppack |
New-SPAlternateUrl | Addzoneurl |
Set-SPInfoPathWebServiceProxy | Allowuserformwebserviceproxy |
Use the AllowForUserForms and Identity parameters. | |
Set-SPInfoPathWebServiceProxy | Allowwebserviceproxy |
Use the AllowWebServiceProxy and Identity parameters. | |
Set-SPWebApplication | Authentication |
Use the AuthenticationMethod or AuthenticationProvider parameters. | |
Backup-SPConfigurationDatabase | Backup |
Backup-SPFarm | |
Backup-SPSite | |
Get-SPBackupHistory | Backuphistory |
New-SPCentralAdministration | Createadminvs |
New-SPSite | Createsite |
New-SPSite Use the ContentDatabase parameter. | Createsiteinnewdb |
New-SPContentDatabase | |
New-SPWeb | Createweb |
Disable-SPFeature | Deactivatefeature |
Disable-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Deactivateformtemplate |
Remove-SPAlternateUrl | Deletealternatedomain |
Remove-SPConfigurationDatabase | Deleteconfigdb |
Dismount-SPContentDatabase | Deletecontentdb |
Remove-SPManagedPath | Deletepath |
Remove-SPSite | Deletesite |
Remove-SPSolution | Deletesolution |
Uninstall-SPWebTemplate | Deletetemplate |
Remove-SPUser | Deleteuser |
Remove-SPWeb | Deleteweb |
Uninstall-SPWebPartPack | Deletewppack |
Remove-SPAlternateUrl | Deletezoneurl |
Install-SPSolution | Deploysolution |
Install-SPWebPartPack | Deploywppack |
Get-SPSolution | Displaysolution |
Set-SPContentDeploymentPath | Editcontentdeploymentpath |
Get-SPAlternateURL | Enumalternatedomains |
Get-SPContentDatabase | Enumcontentdbs |
Get-SPDataConnectionFileDependent | Enumdataconnectionfiledependants |
Get-SPDataConnectionFile | Enumdataconnectionfiles |
Get-SPInfoPathUserAgent | Enumexemptuseragents |
Get-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Enumformtemplates |
Get-SPServiceInstance | Enumservices |
Get-SPSiteAdministration (To run this cmdlet, you must be a member of the Farm Administrators group.) | Enumsites |
Get-SPSite (To run this cmdlet, you must be a local administrator on the computer where SharePoint 2010 Products is installed.) | |
Get-SPSolution | Enumsolutions |
Get-SPWeb | Enumsubwebs |
Get-SPWebTemplate | Enumtemplates |
Get-SPUser | Enumusers |
Get-SPWebPartPack | Enumwppacks |
Get-SPAlternateURL | Enumzoneurls |
Start-SPAdminJob | Execadmsvcjobs |
Export-SPWeb | Export |
New-SPWebApplication | Extendvs |
New-SPWebApplicationExtension | Extendvsinwebfarm |
Get-SPWebApplication | Getadminport |
Use the following syntax: | |
Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | ? {$_.IsAdministrationWebApplication -eq $true} | |
Get-SPDataConnectionFile | Getdataconnectionfileproperty property |
Use the following syntax: | |
Get-SPDataConnectionFile | where {$_.Name -eq “dataConFileName”} | format-list | |
Get-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Getformtemplateproperty property |
Use the following syntax: | |
Get-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | where {$_.DisplayName -eq “formTemplateName”} | format-list | |
Get-SPFarmConfig | Getproperty |
Get-SPTimerJob | |
Disable-SPTimerJob | |
Enable-SPTimerJob | |
Set-SPTimerJob | |
Start-SPTimerJob | |
Get-SPSiteAdministration | Getsitelock |
Get-SPAlternateURL | Geturlzone |
Import-SPWeb | Import |
Install-SPFeature | Installfeature |
Get-SPLogLevel | Listlogginglevels |
Get-SPEnterpriseSearchSecurityTrimmer | Listregisteredsecuritytrimmers |
Move-SPSite | Mergecontentdbs |
Move-SPUser | Migrateuser |
For the Osearch parameters farmcontactemail, farmperformancelevel, farmserviceaccount, and farmservicepassword, use the Get-SPEnterpriseSearchService and Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService cmdlets. | Osearch |
For the Osearch parameters start and stop, use the Start-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance and Stop-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance cmdlets, respectively. | |
For the Osearch parameter defaultindexlocation, use the Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance and Set-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance cmdlets. | |
Use the Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication cmdlet to retrieve the specific Search service application, and then use DiacriticSensitive parameter from the Set-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication cmdlet. | Osearchdiacriticsensitive |
Start-SPServiceInstance | Provisionservice |
Stop-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Quiesceformtemplate |
Update-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Reconvertallformtemplates |
New-SPEnterpriseSearchSecurityTrimmer | Registersecuritytrimmer |
Uninstall-SPDataConnectionFile | Removedataconnectionfile |
Remove-SPExcelFileLocation | Remove-ecsfiletrustedlocation |
Remove-SPExcelDataProvider | Remove-ecssafedataprovider |
Remove-SPExcelDataConnectionLibrary | Remove-ecstrusteddataconnectionlibrary |
Remove-SPExcelFileLocation | Remove-ecsuserdefinedfunction |
Remove-SPInfoPathUserAgent | Removeexemptuseragent |
Uninstall-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Removeformtemplate |
Rename-SPServer | Renameserver |
Set-SPSite | Renamesite |
Use the Url parameter. | |
Set-SPWeb | Renameweb |
Use the RelativeUrl parameter. | |
Restore-SPFarm | Restore |
Restore-SPSite | |
Uninstall-SPSolution | Retractsolution |
Start-SPContentDeploymentJob | Runcontentdeploymentjob |
Install-SPFeature | Scanforfeatures |
Use the Scanforfeatures parameter. | |
Set-SPCentralAdministration | Setadminport |
Connect-SPConfigurationDatabase | Setconfigdb |
Set-SPContentDeploymentJob | Setcontentdeploymentjobschedule |
Set-SPDataConnectionFile | Setdataconnectionfileproperty |
Set-SPExcelFileLocation | Set-ecsexternaldata |
Set-SPExcelServiceApplication | Set-ecsloadbalancing |
Use the LoadBalancingScheme parameter. | |
Set-SPExcelServiceApplication | Set-ecsmemoryutilization |
Use the MemoryCacheThreshold and PrivateBytesMax parameters. | |
Set-SPExcelServiceApplication | Set-ecssecurity |
Use the CrossDomainAccessAllowed, EncryptedUserConnectionRequired, and FileAccessMethod parameters. | |
Set-SPExcelServiceApplication | Set-ecssessionmanagement |
Use the SessionsPerUserMax and SiteCollectionAnonymousSessionsMax parameters. | |
Set-SPExcelServiceApplication | Set-ecsworkbookcache |
Use the Workbookcache and WorkbookCacheSizeMax parameters. | |
Set-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Setformtemplateproperty |
Set-SPLogLevel | Setlogginglevel |
Set-SPFarmConfig | Setproperty |
Get-SPTimerJob | |
Disable-SPTimerJob | |
Enable-SPTimerJob | |
Set-SPTimerJob | |
Start-SPTimerJob | |
Set-SPSiteAdministration | Setsitelock |
Use the LockState parameter. | |
Get-SPSiteSubscription | Setsiteuseraccountdirectorypath |
New-SPSiteSubscription | |
Remove-SPSiteSubscription | |
Set-SPWorkflowConfig | Setworkflowconfig |
Set-SPSiteAdministration | Siteowner |
Install-SPSolution | Syncsolution |
Use the Synchronize parameter. | |
Remove-SPWebApplication | Unextendvs |
Uninstall-SPFeature | Uninstallfeature |
Start-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Unquiesceformtemplate |
Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchSecurityTrimmer | Unregistersecuritytrimmer |
Set-SPManagedAccount | Updateaccountpassword |
Install-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Upgradeformtemplate |
Update-SPSolution | Upgradesolution |
Install-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Uploadformtemplate |
Get-SPUser | Userrole |
Move-SPUser | |
New-SPUser | |
Remove-SPUser | |
Set-SPUser | |
Test-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | Verifyformtemplate |
Not made into PowerShell cmdlets | |
Binddrservice | |
Blockedfilelist | |
Canceldeployment | |
Changepermissionpolicy | |
Copyappbincontent | |
Creategroup | |
Databaserepair | |
Deleteadminvs | |
Deletegroup | |
Deletepermissionpolicy | |
Disablessc | |
Enablessc | |
Enumdeployments | |
Enumgroups | |
Enumroles | |
Forcedeletelist | |
Getosearchsetting | |
Getsiteuseraccountdirectorypath | |
Listqueryprocessoroptions | |
Localupgradestatus | |
Managepermissionpolicylevel | |
Quiescefarm | |
Quiescefarmstatus | |
Refreshdms | |
Refreshsitedms | |
Registerwsswriter | |
Removedrservice | |
Removesolutiondeploymentlock | |
Retractwppack | |
Setapppassword | |
Setosearchsetting | |
Setqueryprocessoroptions | |
Unquiescefarm | |
Unregisterwsswriter | |
Updatealerttemplates | |
Updatefarmcredentials | |
Upgrade | |
Upgradetargetwebapplication |
As I was more than halfway through putting my list together for this blog I ran across the TechNet article where I sourced the links and some of the content for this posting: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff621084.aspx
Just 3 articles away I ran across the Stsadm to Windows PowerShell mapping (SharePoint Foundation 2010) article which calls out the subset of commands that are available in SharePoint Foundation.