Developer Dashboard activation and parameters… up to the elbow…
Activating through PowerShell
In doing some research I have had some difficultly finding a single good resource for how to turn on the Developer Dashboard using PowerShell and what the parameters are for doing so. Here is what several hours or pouring through numerous resources has turned up, and I am sure it is not 100% complete:
Code to turn on the Developer Dashboard
Optional Parameters
Who can see it?
Some Mask Settings
EmptyMask = allows everyone to see the developer dashboard
FullMask = requires full control policy or site owner permissions to see the developer dashboard
AddAndCustomizePages = default mask setting
There are many more options for Mask Settings which can be found by reviewing the SPBasePermissions list on MSDN.
1.) Allow everyone to see the Developer Dashboard
a.) set EmptyMask and remove icon from Masterpage
b.) append ‘?Developer Dashboard=true‘ to the end of any page you want to see the developer dashboard on
2.) Allow only people with Full Control (policy holders or site owners) to see the Developer Dashboard
a.) set FullMask
b.) give the supporting team a full control policy or grant one-off permissions
3.) Leave this setting alone and anyone with Designer or higher rights will see the icon
Is there any more data I can get than this?
TraceEnabled gives the additional section at the bottom of the developer dashboard which gives you:
1.) Request Details
2.) Trace Information
3.) Control Tree
4.) Session State
5.) Application State
6.) Request Cookies Collection
7.) Response Cookies Collection
8.) Headers Collection
9.) Response Headers Collection
10.) Form Collection
11.) Query String Variables
12.) Server Variables
There is a TON of data here that you might not see otherwise, and you only see it if you expand the section at the bottom called:
If you aren’t interested in seeing any of this data or allowing your users to see any of this data, just do not execute this option as the default is set to false.
If you are still stuck in 2007 mindset
Here is the corresponding STSADM Command:
A Quick Note from the Author
All of the above examples have used OnDemand as I believe that is best option, however you can replace OnDemand with Off or On as you see fit, this is just how I am writing it.
Grab a copy of the PowerShell code referenced about from my SkyDrive here.