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Author: jhimmel

The Future of SharePoint event: a recap

The Future of SharePoint event: a recap

It is 1130p on May 4th, 2016 and I have just returned to my hotel room in San Francisco from an amazing day. Today was the Microsoft “Future of SharePoint” launch event. Here is my recap of the day: Before the event we all gathered excitedly to get into the venue and check out what was in store for the day. A gaggle of MVPs and Microsoft customers loitered on the sidewalk outside the Village at 969 Market anxiously awaiting…

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The Future of SharePoint is almost here!

The Future of SharePoint is almost here!

  Good morning from 34k feet somewhere over New Mexico! I am currently flying out to San Francisco to take part in the Future of SharePoint event tomorrow. I have been lucky enough to have spent time out in Redmond over the past few weeks and have had a chance to see some of what Jeff Teper and the SharePoint Team are going to share with us tomorrow and I can tell you that it is some game changing, super…

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Microsoft Flow and Power BI make awesome bedfellows

Microsoft Flow and Power BI make awesome bedfellows

On Friday April 29th Microsoft release the preview of its latest toy, Microsoft Flow. Flow is similar to Zapier & IFTTT in that it connects to online services and takes actions based upon trigger events. During the demo to a group of Microsoft MVPs we saw some interesting ways to utilize Flows, but I couldn’t wait to get my hands into it to build some fun Power BI visualizations against more easily accessible data. Saturday morning I built out a…

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Announcing the new ITUnity web show: BIFocal

Announcing the new ITUnity web show: BIFocal

I was sitting in the speaker room at SharePoint Fest Seattle having a Skype chat with John White. We were collaborating on some Business Intelligence content that we could deliver at conferences either together or independently, but still ensure that we were providing a consistent message. At some point during this chat one of us suggested that this amusing & informational back and forth that we were having would make for a pretty decent podcast. Dan Holme, CEO of ITUnity,…

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An update to the OneDrive storage plan changes

An update to the OneDrive storage plan changes

On November 2nd, 2015 Microsoft announced that it was going to change it’s storage plans for OneDrive. Previously Microsoft had given unlimited storage for Office 365 Home, Personal, or University subscribers in OneDrive. These subscribers now have 1 terabyte of storage. At the same time they announced that they were going to change the free offer from 15GB to 5GB & that they were eliminating the 100GB and 200GB plans and replacing them with a 50GB plan. This met with…

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Office 365 E5: the plan, the promise, the process & the pain

Office 365 E5: the plan, the promise, the process & the pain

I have been a long time Office 365 subscriber. In addition to using Office 365 for work at the companies I have worked for over the past 5 years, I have maintained a personal subscription for my own personal brand stuff. Being a Business Intelligence fan boy the subscription that fit me best has always been the E3 at $20 per seat per month (PSPM). That was until WPC this year when Microsoft announced the E5 SKU and I heard…

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A new chapter: You can go home again

A new chapter: You can go home again

8 years ago Jill and I moved from Austin, TX to New England as newlyweds to start our new life together. I had just accepted a new job with Raytheon to work on a technology that was completely foreign to me. I had spent the previous 10 years of my career focused on relatively known commodities, but when I jumped into SharePoint it was a total unknown to me. Little did we know then the amazing road that was ahead…

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Ignite is sold out?!? Now what?

Ignite is sold out?!? Now what?

For the past 2 years I have been honored to be the Speaker co-chair for the SharePoint Intersections Conference with Dan Holme. This year SharePoint Intersections is in Scottsdale, Arizona, May 18-21and the line up is epic. We have Ruven Gotz, Asif Rehmani, Scott Hillier, Mike Fitzmaurice, Brian Alderman, Mark Rackley, Michelle Caldwell, and Andrew Connell to name a few. DevIntersection is co-located with SharePoint Intersection. This means that developers can take advantage of sessions not only about SharePoint, but…

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Announcing the new PowerBI

Announcing the new PowerBI

Over the course the past few years, Microsoft has slowly been upping its game with regard to business intelligence. In February 2014 Microsoft announced PowerBI for Office 365 and has slowly but surely been improving the offering over the course the passing year. With yesterday’s announcements Microsoft firmly planted its flag in the business intelligence space. Previously the offering was an add-on to Office 365 E3 License ($20 per user per month) that cost an additional $20 per user per…

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Major announcements coming out of TechEd Europe & AzureConf14

Major announcements coming out of TechEd Europe & AzureConf14

Exciting updates to Microsoft Azure at TechEd Europe, enabling simplicity, scale and innovation Office 365-Our latest innovations in security and compliance OneNote gets even better on Mac and iOS Announcing the Azure Marketplace TechEd Europe 2014 News: Developer Tools Enterprise Mobility Game-Changing Announcement #1 Azure AD Support for JavaScript Single Page Apps using OAuth2 implicit grant now in preview! …and from AzureConf14 last week: Azure’s getting bigger, faster and more open